The mean number of hours per owner for Civ5 is 127.3 hours. Civ5 climbs to 5th in total hours played, with 743 million. This makes Civ5 the 8th most played game on Steam by number of people.

Whereas Portal, for example, is owned by 7.4 million people, of whom 5 million have actually played the game, 5.4 million of Civ5's 5.84 million owners have played the game. Further analysis is even more encouraging for Civ5, with many of the games higher on the list being owned by a high proportion of people who have not played at least six minutes. It is unlikely that this number includes the Gods & Kings and Brave New World expansions, as both these expansions are treated as DLC on the one Civ5 launcher. Meanwhile, an Ars Technica article has revealed that 5.84 million copies of Civ5 are owned on Steam, making it the 16th most-owned game on Steam. I believe in some iterations of the Civ series there were high-level science buildings that aided in the production of the spaceship for the technology victory, (Civ4 had the Laboratory building, for example) but I dont believe this is the case in Civ 5. It is unclear whether this number includes expansions or simply the base games. During their PAX East Mega Panel, Firaxis revealed that the Civilization-series has sold 21 million copies throughout its history.

During the last week, some sales figures for the Civilization series, and Civ5 in particular, have come to light.